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NEW: our congress will be a hybrid/online event. More details here.
23-25 Sept. 2021
Rewatch any of our online sessions here.

The Congress - #realyou

23-25 September 2021

When we started organising this congress we had one idea in mind. It had to be all about you. What did you want us to address? So we asked. And your answer was clear: you wanted to delve into what it means to be a follower of Jesus in the 21st Century. In other words, who are you, really? Who is the #realyou?

It can be a challenge to stay true to or even recognize your #realyou as a follower of Jesus in an era in which Christianity is not always welcome.

The temptation can be to put on different masks, depending on where we find ourselves. We become one person at church, another at home, another at university, another at work, another on Instagram and social media… This impacts the decisions we make with regards to ourselves, our lifestyle and our relationships.
Yet what if the most satisfying thing is to discover our #realyou in terms of Jesus. After all, He is the perfect example of what it really means to be a human.


Paul gives us a great starting point in Ephesians 2:10 (NLT), "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."


Join us in the discovery and celebration of the #realyou.

NOTE: Our plans to meet in person have been changed because of COVID-19. But we move forward with a hybrid event in which we aim to navigate reality from #realrelationships to #realhope and #realJesus.


We will be connected via the AMiCUS Congress app. More info here.

The Conference

#realyou online sessions

Due the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to start a series of #realyou online sessions as a spin-off of the theme #realyou. These online sessions have the purpose of keeping #realconversations happening about #reallife topics with #realpeople like you. You can click here to learn more...

#reayou online

About AMiCUS

What is AMiCUS?

#AMiCUS is a place to:

CONNECT. We endeavour to connect students with their fellow human beings, their church and their community.

THINK. We encourage students to develop an inquisitive mind and to think for themselves.

ENCOUNTER JESUS. We aim to help students connect with Jesus and grow in a closer relationship with Him.

BE. We seek to aid students become the best human being they can be.

ACT. We call students to be proactive in making a positive impact on people's lives and in their community, and in discovering their sense of mission.



New speakers will be added here.

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