Can you believe we are entering the last month of the year? This year has been too much. We have seen our lives disrupted and changed in ways we would have never imagined.
We all probably know people who have suffered loss this year, or maybe that has been our own personal story. We may think what is the point of it all? How can I face the future?
Today, we choose to believe the promise found in Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
One thing we are grateful for from this current situation is that we get to connect with you thanks to technology, like 2 months ago for #realnewnormal with Tihi Lazic and #realfuture with Ty Gibson. And that is what we will continue to do every few months. We truly believe in creating a community of followers of Jesus across Europe, a place where we feel at home and safe to share #realtopics.
Our next #realyou online session is right around the corner now, on 11 December 2020 on the topic #realpurpose, with Dejan Stojkovic. This topic was actually chosen by you, because for us it is very important that the topics we talk about are meaningful to you.
Dejan was born in Kragujevac, Serbia. He finished his primary and secondary education in post-communist Serbia, interrupted a few times with the ugliness of wars that struck this region. He came to England in 2001 to study theology and he completed his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at Newbold College. Here he started a student-led worship service ‘Experience’. Dejan has served as a youth pastor at Stanborough Park Church where he established the Parallel Service as an outreach and reclamation ministry for youth and young adults. Before being called to serve as British union youth director he was serving as a Director for Teen’s Ministry, AVS and Chaplaincy at the South England Conference. Dejan got married to Deana in 2010. Dejan’s mission in life is very simple and that is preparing young people for the second coming of Jesus.
Like last time, we will have a time for interaction in the response groups, right after the main session.
Response groups are special groups in which you will be given the opportunity to respond to and process the main message in a way that is the most appealing to you and in the company of youth and students from all Europe. Maybe you process ideas through conversation, or through lettering or arts, or perhaps by having a moment of personal devotion... You decide!
These are the four response groups to choose from in our next session:
There will be around 15 different conversation groups to choose from, in the following languages: English, French, Spanish and Romanian. If you want to meet new people, go for an English group. If you are missing your language, let us know!
By the way, the timing for #realpurpose seems just perfect. As we approach the end of this year, and focus on tackling a new one, we hope that, together, as a community, we can build each other up and help one another discover our #realpurpose.
Hopefully, we see you again online! To register, you simply need to click here.